Cross-platform Desktop Application Development: Electron, Node, NW.js, And React Book Pdf !!INSTALL!!
This book has been written for developers interested in creating desktop applications with HTML5. The first part requires essential web-master skills (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). The second demands minimal experience with React. And finally for the third it would be helpful to have a basic knowledge of React, Redux, and TypeScript.
Building and maintaining cross-platform desktop applications with native languages isn't a trivial task. Since it's hard to simulate on a foreign platform, packaging and distribution can be quite platform-specific and testing cross-platform apps is pretty complicated.In such scenarios, web technologies such as HTML5 and JavaScript can be your lifesaver. HTML5 desktop applications can be distributed across different platforms (Window, MacOS, and Linux) without any modifications to the code.
The book starts with a walk-through on building a simple file explorer from scratch powered by NW.JS. So you will practice the most exciting features of bleeding edge CSS and JavaScript. In addition you will learn to use the desktop environment integration API, source code protection, packaging, and auto-updating with NW.JS.As the second application you will build a chat-system example implemented with Electron and React. While developing the chat app, you will get Photonkit. Next, you will create a screen capturer with NW.JS, React, and Redux.
Building cross-platform desktop applications has been something of a nightmare for a very long time, as extreme differences between popular desktop operating systems makes it a challenging feat. However, in light of newer tools and frameworks like Electron, building a cross-platform desktop application has never been easier. In this article, Toptal engineer Stéphane P. Péricat walks us through a step-by-step tutorial to building a cross-platform password key-ring desktop application using technologies that most of us are already familiar with.
Imagine a world where we could build performant, data-driven, cross-platform desktop applications powered by not only the ever-growing repository of NPM modules, but also the entire Bower registry to fulfill all our client-side needs. 153554b96e