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When you finish and re-register the patch, the EQ curve is automatically set to the default value (60 dB). This is a good starting value when the effects are switched on. If you later want to change its position, just move the cross in the plot. The default value is shown on the right of the axis. If the cross is to the right of the axis, the curve is lower. If it is to the left of the axis, the curve is higher. If the cross is beside the axis, this means it can be moved both to the right and to the left.
To perform this procedure, you need a keyboard with more than one octave, i.e., a "double octave" keyboard. A typical keyboard lacks this feature (you need two octaves and a "double octave" keyboard for it). However, most synthesizers allow you to switch between single- and double-octave mode. See the menu under Effects, parameter there for more information.
True Random Number Generator (TRNG) is a hardware-based statistical random number generator (RNG) used in many applications in cryptography and applied mathematics to create random numbers. In music, it is used for instrument parts, measure, key, tempo, and arpeggio randomization, and instrument sequenced patches. Different random sources may be combined in any combination. For instance, a TRNG may be used with a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) to generate random numbers.
All future patches you save will be opened with Gazelle. You can save, reload, modify and create new patches with Gazelle, all from within this app. If you publish a patch, Gazelle will automatically update it. To update the patch, simply select the patch tab and click Emulation on the emulated synthesizer tile. If you require the patch to be published (for free), please send your email to the contact address and we will make sure it is published. d2c66b5586