Saw Legacy
Guapira candanga resembles G. campestris (Netto) Lundell, but differs by the following: flowering branches hirsute to pubescent (vs. glabrate to glabrous); leaf blades immature (vs. mature) on flowering branches, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic (vs. elliptic to oblong), acute to acuminate (vs. rounded to obtuse) at apex, acute to attenuate (vs. rounded to cordate) at base, flat and thickened (vs. revolute and slender) at margin, shiny on both surfaces (vs. dull) in sicco, with very prominent (vs. slightly prominent) secondary veins on adaxial surface, inflorescences congested (vs. lax), short-branched (vs. longer-), peduncles hirsute to pubescent (vs. glabrate to glabrous); bracteoles 2.2-2.5 mm long (vs. 0.8-1.3 mm long), hirsute to pubescent (vs. glabrous or with scattered microscopic trichomes); and pistillate flowers urceolate (vs. campanulate).
Xylopodiferous suffruticose , branches 0.04-0.5 m tall, young and flowering branches puberulent, ferruginous at base, older and fruiting branches glabrous; buds generally ferruginous. Leaves opposite to subopposite; short-petiolate, petiole 0.2-0.5 cm long; leaf blades 2.5-10.6 0.9-3.3 cm, lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, glabrous when mature, acute to attenuate at base, margin crenulate, flat, thickened (usually ending in the arches of the secondary veins), acute to acuminate at apex, coriaceous when mature, shiny on both surfaces when... 59ce067264